1980年代よりウインドサーフィン界のトップに君臨し続けるハワイアン老舗ブランドAngulo Boards。
’09 PWA緒戦のカボベルデで優勝を飾ったウェイブチャンプ、ジョシュ・アングロはフェイスの上や空中で独自のダイナミックなマニューバを描く彼こそウインド界のスタイルキング!!
世界チャンピョンMark AnguloやJosh Angulo といったWAVEのイメージの強いAnguloブランドだが、近年レーシングの世界でもJosh Anguloが躍進中。
Angulo Boards Hawaii : http://anguloboards.com/
Ed Angulo rode his first wave and shaped his first board in 1968 and he was attracted to the surfing scene like a magnet.
As destiny would have it he landed in Huntington Beach at the right place and the right time. A local surf shop offered Ed a job as their house shaper and it was on. He was as inspired a board designer as he was a shaper, combining surfing skills with craftsman’s hands and an aesthetic eye. It wasn’t long before others discovered the hardcore quality of his stylishly airbrushed Angulo surfboards and through the years all the big names in the surf industry wanted a piece of the action.
Together with his wife and kids, Ed took his work to Hawaii, the surfing Mecca of the world. His kids grew up surfing Pipeline, Rocky Point and Sunset with legends like Fred Van Dyke and Gerry Lopez to look after them. Next, the family moved to Maui where the Angulos were influenced by the world of wave sailing. The popularity of windsurfing was never higher than in the mid eighties and the success of Ed’s shapes and the kids actions made Angulo one of the leading names in the sport.